Our Flights

Hot Air Balloning in Costa Rica

Our hot air balloons are expertly maintained by inspectors trained by the Ann Arbor, Michigan manufacturer of the balloons. Inspection and repairs are made in accordance with the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and Esteban (our Pilot) holds an international (ICAO) pilot license for balloons, valid for balloon flight throughout the world.

We operate our flights year-round in the Arenal area, outside of La Fortuna.

We take off right after sunrise; that means being in the launch field between 5:00 AM and 5:30 AM. When you reserve, we will tell you when and where to meet for the flight.

The inflation takes about 30 to 45 minutes, a fascinating process.

We’ll take you up in the air for 1-hour flight (approximately).

Once we land, we’ll pack the ballon up and drive back to the starting point. The whole process takes about 3 hours.

All passengers should be able to climb over the edge of the basket (about 3 feet high). Minimum age for passengers must be 8 years old and over 4 feet height. 



We recommend long pants, shoes, a hat or baseball cap and sunglasses. A light jacket is handy.